Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to make space shooter game with ActionScript 3 and FlashDevelop - part 2

Part 1
Now lets continue with our game. In the init function remove the hello world code and add this row:

and right afrer the init function we will add startGame:
private function startGame():void {
 this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
And now the game loop:
private function gameLoop(event:Event = null):void {

It is time to add the player. Lets make new folder called assets and add some images to it. For player spaceship I’ll use this cool image:

and for enemies this one:

You can use my images but please credit me.
Lets start with adding the player. More about embedding images you can learn from this post - FlashDevelop, ActionScript3 and images.
Add this in the class body:
private var playerShipImage:Class;
private var player:MovieClip;

And now alter the startGame function this way:
private function startGame():void {
   player = new MovieClip();
   var bitmap:Bitmap = new playerShipImage();
   bitmap.x = -bitmap.width / 2;
   bitmap.y = -bitmap.height / 2;
   player.x = 250;
   player.y = 430;
   this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
Compile and run! Here is the result:

And here is the full source code till now:
 import flash.display.*;
 public class Main extends Sprite 
  private var playerShipImage:Class;
  private var player:MovieClip;
  public function Main():void 
   if (stage) init();
   else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
  private function init(e:Event = null):void 
   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
   // entry point
  private function startGame():void {
   player = new MovieClip();
   var bitmap:Bitmap = new playerShipImage();
   bitmap.x = -bitmap.width / 2;
   bitmap.y = -bitmap.height / 2;
   player.x = 250;
   player.y = 430;
   this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
  private function gameLoop(event:Event = null):void {
Part 1

FlashDevelop and ActionScript 3 - how to embed image - fast tip

When you use the official flash ide, using images is as easy as clicking several buttons. Actually using images with FlashDevelop is even easier but if you haven't done it you will need this info.
First copy the desired image into folder of the project, for example I'll name my folder assets.
Add a variable to your class:
private var myImg:Class;
And place your cursor on the row above it. Right mouse button on the image and select Generate Embed Code:

You will get something like this:

private var myImg:Class;

Add this where you want to use the image:

var bitmap:Bitmap = new myImg();

Easy, isn't it?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Typing Defense - free game for your website

Typing defense is fast paced typing game where you must defend your base from attacking enemy tanks.

You can play Typing Defense here.

Typing Defense Game Screenshot

Embed Code:

You can download the game swf - Typing Defense SWF. Right button and choose save as.
